ACID Pro 11
The creative DAW

Legendäre Umgebung, Content inklusive.

Legendärer Workflow,
Content inklusive.

Setze deine kreative Vision um.

Setze deine
kreative Vision um.

Die All-in-One-Lösung für deine Projekte.

Die All-in-One-Lösung
für deine Projekte.

Künstler über ACID Pro

Dimitri Vegas
DJ, Produzent und Komponist

"It’s had decades of use in my productions now and I’ve always kept ACID as one of my special studio tools. The creative freedom this piece of software has given me over the years has been incomparable. I love chopping up edits and cutting remixes on ACID Pro [...]. This latest and greatest version of ACID Pro is a very welcome update on one of my secret studio weapons."

Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, David Guetta, Martin Garrix, Afrojack, Steve Aoki, Tiësto

Theo Green
Oscar-nominierter Sounddesigner und Filmkomponist

"ACID Pro was my creative weapon of choice for Blade Runner 2049, and in 2018 I received an Oscar nomination for my work on the film. It lets me work so fast. Both cutting and layering audio clips and creating MIDI is a faster, more simplified workflow than any other DAW. Yet it has all the features I need, whether composing or sound designing. The quality of the mixdowns is clearer, less coloured than other DAWs. That's why ACID has always been a part of my composition process."

Blade Runner 2049 (Oscar-nominiert in der Kategorie "Bester Tonschnitt"), The Gambler, House at the End of the Street

DJ Pain 1
Produzent und DJ

"I've used the ACID program as my main DAW for all of my major records. I'm addicted to the quick workflow, one-key instant pitch shifting and its surgical slicing abilities. Now that ACID 8 is out, I can load up more virtual instruments and plug-ins than ever."

50 Cent, Public Enemy, Ludacris, Jeezy, Tech N9ne, 2Chainz

K-Pop und J-Pop Komponist, Produzent

"ACID Pro has an optimized workflow for making dance music, and an excellent editing capability for recording & remixing.
Thanks to the happy update by MAGIX, I'm making my new songs in the 64-Bit environment. It gives me more power, therefore even making the most complex projects possible. And the huge number of new built-in plugins are very useful for me. More people should know about this great DAW! I love it!"

GOT7, BTOB, UP10TION, Lee Seung Chul

Brother Paul Brown

"In just the first 3 days of working with the new ACID PRO on the forth-coming Waterboys album, I am crazy thrilled to proclaim the new DAW interface, flexible routing and in-line editing combined with the new Stellar FX and Synth plugins and updated graphics. Overall the 64-bit sonic quality makes ACID Pro right out of the box a FIVE STAR SMASH HIT!"

Brother Paul Brown
Grammy-prämierter Produzent, Toningenieur und Keyboarder

The Waterboys, Al Green, Gloria Gaynor (Testimony; Grammy-Gewinner) Bobby Rush (Down in Louisana; Grammy-nominiert), Mike Farris, Ann Peebles, Jimi Jamison (Survivor)

Ted Perlman

"Using ACID makes me feel like a master chef setting up all his ingredients for an incredible meal. I assemble any loops, sounds, dialogue or FX in there, make my pitch adjustments, cut up and edit beats, and instantly hear how everything fits together. I am not exaggerating when I say I cannot do what I do nearly as well without ACID. It is literally my ‘musical lifeline'!"

Ted Perlman
Grammy-prämierter Produzent, Songwriter, Musiker und Arrangeur

Burt Bacharach (At This Time; Grammy-Gewinner), Dr. Dre, Bob Dylan, Elton John, Whitney Houston, Diana Ross | NBC, CBS, FOX | Jingles für McDonald's, Coca Cola und Burger King


"As an MC, I grew tired of reaching out for beats, so I began making my own music. More people need to know about the ACID Pro workflow. Where many DAWs tend to be overcomplicated and intimidating, ACID is inviting to new and aspiring producers while it comforts seasoned pros."

Künstler und Produzent

Smosh, Popsikl, Sa'ann

Sutardy Brothers

"ACID Pro was the begining of our music production journey. This is where we learned the art of composition, sampling, recording and mixing. The ability to control individual samples in such a dynamic and fluid way has always stood out against other DAW platforms and continues to do so to this day. Along with an incredibly solid and reliable sound that holds up on even on the most complex of projects. With its new 64 bit architecture we're once again integrating ACID Pro into our workflow."

Sutardy Brothers
Produzenten und Filmemacher

Intel, ASUS, Lenovo, beats by dr.dre


"I've been using ACID Pro since forever and the new ACID Pro is a real game changer. I've tried many DAWs, but ACID Pro always works best for me. It's fast, easy to use and have all you want in a DAW.
Soon to release my second album made 100% in ACID Pro just as my first album and all my remixes!"

Produzent, Remixer & Art Director

Pet Shop Boys (Remix; Vocal), Imogen Heap (Remix; Run-Time), Erasure (Remix; Sacred, I Lose Myself)

Bjorn Akesson

"ACID was the first DAW I ever touched and I was hooked immediately. It's still today a very useful tool with its quick and smooth loop functionality. ACID Pro is my go-to tool for studio mixes and CD compilations."

Bjorn Akesson
Trance Produzent und DJ

Aly & Fila, Sied van Riel, Sean Tyas, Betsie Larkin, Dennis Sheperd

Jason Donnelly (DJ Puzzle)

"When I first saw ACID 1.0 my jaw dropped. I've been an ACID Pro user since the beginning as well as a loops for ACID producer. ACID makes chopping up and mixing audio seem like magic. It's fast, intuitive, and inspiring. I have so many stories about ACID Pro. ACID Pro changed many lives including my own. Without ACID Pro I wouldn't be who I am today."

Jason Donnelly (DJ Puzzle)
DJ, Produzent, Komponist, Loop-Produzent und APM Music Contributor

ACID Loop Collection, APM music library | Music in: Tom Clancy's The Division (Ubisoft), Master Of None (Netflix), Parts Unknown (CNN), Comedy Bang Bang (IFC), and Catfish (MTV)

Manni Sandhu

"I've been using ACID ever since I can remember. I've tried almost every other major DAW in the market and I always find myself coming back to ACID. There's a certain magic that can be created with it that can't be done anywhere else. It's ease of use, loop handling, and simple workflow sets it apart in the industry - and that's why everyone loves it. The new 64-Bit version opens a whole new world of creativity. It simply feels amazing to use 64-Bit plugins in ACID Pro!"

Manni Sandhu
Produzent und Komponist

Akhil, Bakshi Billa, Gabbar Laddu, Lehmber Hussainpuri

The Hi-Yahs

"What I loved about ACID Pro was how it's workflow was so quick especially when using stems/samples/loops which allowed me to remix songs quickly for other artists. The new ACID Pro follows suit plus with its new 64-Bit processing everything is much faster and has cut my production time almost in half!!"

The Hi-Yahs
Produzent, Komponist, Audio-Ingenieur und DJ

Waka Flocka, Lil Jon (Remix; Bend Ova feat. Tyga), Gorilla Zoe | Music for: Taco Bell, Lexus and MGM Resorts

Curtis Atchison

"The moment I was introduced to ACID Pro everything changed. It was the first DAW that made it super easy for sequencing, to create and manipulate loop-based content. No longer did I have to fight for studio time because now I could work from home and get amazing results fast. More than 20 years later, I’ve yet to find another program that has the same power and versatility as ACID Pro. The latest version of ACID Pro 8 picks up where ACID Pro 7 leaves off, providing more stability, plug-in support and a sleeker look that’s easier on the eyes."

Curtis Atchison
Produzent, DJ und Remixer

Lenny Kravitz (Remix; Low), Enrique Iglesias (Remix; El Baño), Viacom library (Jersey Shore, MTV Show)

Boddhi Satva

"I've been using ACID for over a decade and ACID Pro 8 is signaling a new era for this amazing production tool.
I absolutely love the fact that MAGIX kept some of the important features of the old versions of ACID such as the Track EQ that is to me by far the best for my productions. Not mentioning the look and enhancement of all the functionalities of the software making it, even more, user-friendly. I'm not planning to move anywhere and I look forward to what the future brings for this great DAW."

Boddhi Satva
Produzent und DJ

DJ Arafat, Davido, DJ Satelite | AFRIMMA Award-nominiert | Coined by BBC as father of Ancestral Soul

John Walden

"I’m a long-standing ACID Pro fan and user. For me, it is simply a brilliant way to make music with loops. Efficient, creative and also fun to use."

John Walden
Musiker, Komponist und Journalist

Journalist für das Sound on Sound Magazin | Library Musikproduzent für Focus Music, Mode Production Music, Hollywood Trax

Mac Melto

"It's impressive how a DAW this powerful feels so lightweight. Complex projects open and close nearly instant and the new UI is snappy and responsive. The dark UI is easy on the eyes but keeps the classic ACID look old fans of the software have grown to love.
ACID Pro has the most comprehensive sound and effects package bundled with ACID Pro to date, everything you need to start making music is there.
Finally being able to use all of my 64-bit plugins in ACID is a dream come true."

Mac Melto
Produzent und Komponist

Sony/ATV, Viacom (The Challenge, MTV Show), Viacom (Basketball Wives; VH1 Show)

Talal Qureshi

"The first time I tried ACID Pro 2, it became the only tool for my production because of its simplicity and easy to use interface.
I truly believe ACID Pro is the most powerful DAW that MAGIX has created. The new look with the 64-Bit interface gives my work more flexibility. Every day I discover something new in this software which helps me concentrate my love for music."

Talal Qureshi
Produzent, Sänger und Songwriter

Diplo, Bun B, Elliphant


"I've tried for years to get my head around the Top DAWs on the market — and despite their innovative concepts, nothing gets close to ACID Pro when it comes to workflow, ease of use and mind-to-music process. You won't open the user manual once because it just makes sense, which is why it truly deserves to be called The Creative DAW."

Produzent und Komponist

Justin Timberlake (Remix, Filthy), Basement Jaxx (Remix, Scars) | Night At The Museum, Real Like A Dream | Victoria Secret, EA Sports NBA 2012

Gav King

"I started using Acid Pro in the late 90's and have been using it ever since. I recently tried using a different DAW but soon came back to Acid! It's simplistic layout with the ability to deep dive makes it easy to get around. It has everything that is needed from getting those riff ideas down quickly to fully fledged completed productions!"

Gav King

Credits inklusive Fields of the Nephilim, Conflict, Adam Ant, Shades of Rhythm, Janus Stark, The More I See.

Wähle dein ACID Bundle:

ACID Pro 365
56 % sparen
ACID Pro 365
ACID Pro 365
ACID Pro 365
ACID Pro 365
CHF 95.88 / Jahr
CHF 41.88 / Jahr

Abo- und Kündigungsbedingungen: Ihr ACID Pro 365 steht Ihnen nach Zahlungseingang und Aktivierung sofort zur Verfügung. Der Tarif für die Mindestlaufzeit ist bei Vertragsabschluss als Einmalzahlung zu entrichten. Die Mindestlaufzeit beginnt mit dem Datum der Bestellung. ACID Pro 365 verlängert sich automatisch um jeweils 12 Monate, bis Sie kündigen. Sollten sich der Verlängerungstarif oder die darin enthaltenen Steuern ändern, werden sie rechtzeitig vorab darüber informiert. Eine Kündigung ist bis 1 Monat vor Laufzeitende möglich. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail unter Angabe der Kundennummer an folgende Adresse:

(entspricht CHF 3.49 / Monat)
CHF 19.99 / Monat

Abo- und Kündigungsbedingungen: Ihr ACID Pro 365 steht Ihnen nach Zahlungseingang und Aktivierung sofort zur Verfügung. Der Tarif für die Mindestlaufzeit ist bei Vertragsabschluss als Einmalzahlung zu entrichten. Die Mindestlaufzeit beginnt mit dem Datum der Bestellung. ACID Pro 365 verlängert sich automatisch um jeweils einen Monat bis Sie kündigen. Sollten sich der Verlängerungstarif oder die darin enthaltenen Steuern ändern, werden sie rechtzeitig vorab darüber informiert. Eine Kündigung ist bis 1 Tag vor Laufzeitende möglich. Bitte senden Sie hierzu eine E-Mail unter Angabe der Kundennummer an folgende Adresse:

Gültig bis 30. März 2025
  • In ACID Pro 365 enthalten
  • ✔ ACID Pro 11 (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ MAGIX essentialFX Suite (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ coreFX Suite (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ MAGIX Analogue Modelling Suite Plus (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ MAGIX VariVerb II (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ MAGIX Vandal (Wert: CHF 199)
  • ✔ Independence Pro Plus Suite (Wert: CHF 129)
  • ✔ Brainworx Producer Bundle (Wert: CHF 598)
  • Brainworx Console N
  • Brainworx Masterdesk
  • ✔ iZotope Ozone 11 Elements
  • ✔ Celemony Melodyne 5 essential (Wert: CHF 99)
  • ✔ 19 Vita Instruments
  • ✔ 13,6 GB ACIDized Loops
  • ✔ modernEQ
  • *Der Angebotspreis gilt für die ersten 12 Monate nach dem Kauf. Ab dem 13. Monat gilt wieder der reguläre Verkaufspreis (UVP).
ACID Pro 11
ACID Pro 11
45 % sparen
Upgrade: ACID Pro 11
ACID Pro 11
Producer Bundle

2 Brainworx Plug-ins, iZotope Ozone 11 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, modernEQ, 13,6 GB ACIDized Loops.

ACID Pro 11
Producer Bundle

2 Brainworx Plug-ins, iZotope Ozone 11 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, modernEQ, 13,6 GB ACIDized Loops.

CHF 79.99
CHF 99.99
CHF 54.99

Hier können Sie auf die neueste Version upgraden. Halten Sie dazu die Anmeldedaten zu Ihrem Account oder die Seriennummer Ihrer Software bereit.

Gültig bis 30. März 2025
Gültig bis 30. März 2025
ACID Pro 11 Suite
ACID Pro 11 Suite
49 % sparen
Upgrade: ACID Pro 11 Suite
ACID Pro 11 Suite
Ultimate Bundle

5 Brainworx Plug-ins, iZotope Ozone 11 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, dynamicEQ, 16,6 GB ACIDized Loops.

ACID Pro 11 Suite
Ultimate Bundle

5 Brainworx Plug-ins, iZotope Ozone 11 Elements, Celemony Melodyne 5 essential, MAGIX Effects Suites, dynamicEQ, 16,6 GB ACIDized Loops.

CHF 129.00
CHF 159.00
CHF 79.99

Hier können Sie auf die neueste Version upgraden. Halten Sie dazu die Anmeldedaten zu Ihrem Account oder die Seriennummer Ihrer Software bereit.

Gültig bis 30. März 2025
Gültig bis 30. März 2025

Gratis ausprobieren


Was ist ACID DAW?

ACID ist eine vielseitige digitale Audio-Workstation (DAW) für die Musikproduktion ohne Grenzen. Die ACID-Familie umfasst die Einstiegs-DAW ACID Music Studio und ACID Pro für professionelle Anwender.

Was ist ACID Music Studio?

ACID Music Studio ist eine Loop-basierte Musikproduktionssoftware, die besonders für Anfänger geeignet ist.

Was ist ACID Pro?

ACID Pro ist eine professionelle DAW für die loop- und samplebasierte Musikproduktion.

Gibt es eine kostenlose Testversion
von ACID?

Ja, es gibt kostenlose 30-Tage-Testversionen von ACID. Gehen Sie einfach zum kostenlosen Downloadbereich und legen Sie los.