Kunstnere om Samplitude
Samplitude anvendes af de bedste af de bedste – få mere at vide om hvilke musikere, producenter og teknikere, der er blandt dem, og hvilke funktioner i softwaren er særligt nyttige for dem. Fra inspirationskilden til omsætning og mastering får du indsigt i de professionelles arbejdsprocedurer – lad dig blive inspireret!

Jack Steadman
Forsanger, pianist og guitarist
i Bombay Bicycle Club
Bombay Bicycle Club
"I use Samplitude for all tracking and mixing, and most of the writing too! (...) I love Samplitude’s object-based processing, and the cut feature with automatic fades. I do so much cutting and slicing when I’m writing and recording. I can be really creative with cutting something up and editing each slice separately."

Mitch Malloy
Komponist, producent, mixing/ mastering-tekniker, rockstar og guitarist
Taylor Swift, Van Halen, Great White, Boys Like Girls, Kenny Loggins
"In 2000 I changed my entire studio to a PC-based system with another DAW. I was an endorser for them. After struggling for almost two years on that software and hating the sound, it was suggested to me to try Samplitude. I did and I was elated at the upgrade with its ease and workability of the layout. I’ve been with MAGIX ever since and although I’ve tried every app on Mac and PC, I feel nothing can replace what Samplitude and Sequoia do for me. They are all I use and all I need. I can't go back. Plain and simple."

Thomas Jouanjean
(Northward Acoustics)
Sterling Sound, Euphonic Masters, Bonati Mastering, Telegraph Mastering
"As a studio designer I've seen it used alongside other MAGIX products in the vast majority of the Mastering Studios I've designed - including by the likes of Sterling Sound NJ & Nashville, Brad Blackwood at Euphonics Masters, Heba Kadry, Josh Bonati and Adam Gonsalves.
That says a lot about the quality and reliability of the product. Our rooms reveal the slightest detail, only the most transparent DAW software and processes will do."

Oleksa Lozowchuk
Musikdirektør, komponist og producent
Damian Taylor (The Prodigy, Evanescence, Björk) | Fifa 20 VOLTA (EA), Dead Rising 2, 3 & 4 (Capcom Vancouver) | tidligere musikdirektør hos Capcom Vancouver | Musik til Netflix, Apple, Disney, Microsoft, McDonald's
"I’ve been using Samplitude and Sequoia for almost 20 years now, and I can’t imagine working without them. They allow me to achieve flow more quickly than any other DAW. I really couldn’t function at this level without Comparisonics viewing, object based editing, and its in-line spectral editing and solid cross-fade workflow. It helps me bring my ideas to life."

Garry King
Musikdirektør, komponist og producent
Jeff Beck, Joe Lynn Turner (Deep Purple), Tom Bee (Sound of America Records), Rick Hale | Musik til TV og film
"I’ve really only touched the tip of the iceberg of what the program can do, but I just love everything about it. Samplitude is like a box of non-stop surprises. It’s so simple, yet it has everything you can dream of and looks great on screen. The restoration side of Samplitude is just crazy, so easy to clean up clicks and pops, hums and noise. Again, a very fast economic way for doing things."

Brisk Fingaz
Kool Savas, Fler, Samy Deluxe, Kollegah, Farid Bang, Eko Fresh, Haftbefehl
"The difference between Samplitude and other DAWs is that you can work with waves better and more quickly. My workflow includes a lot of work with waves. Setting the drums, cutting samples into the project, setting pitches, time stretching, cross-fading, and integrating VSTs. It’s all super quick and easy with Samplitude.
The mixer in Samplitude is so awesome that you don’t even need an external mixer, especially with all the plug-ins that are available today."

Rick Hale
Komponist og producent
Nomineret til Latin Grammy | Micky Cruz, Garry King, Jimmy Shendo
"I love Samplitude! I find it to be the most comprehensive DAW I have used to date. Not only is it well laid out with many powerful features, it also has outstanding sound quality! The EQs, Compressors, and plugins all have a very rich and almost analogue nature. The bundled soft-synths and quality sounds are vast and diverse, yet simple to add in and use. Samplitude Pro X is loaded with goodies, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about the quality of their production and music."

Komponist, producent, arrangør, mixing- og mastering-tekniker og musiker
Tulia, Formacja Niezywych Schabuff, Feel, Kasia Popowska, Agnieszka Adamczewska, The Underground Man | Rodzinka PL (TV Show)
"I almost do everything starting from the draft of a composition over arrangement, recordings through MIDI and sound design to the final mixing and mastering process. I've trusted Samplitude as a my main tool for almost 18 years. Object oriented engine, great onboard plugins and meters, classic intuitive GUI design ready to be customized, mastering tools. All in one. I love this DAW."

Joey Stuckey
Komponist, producent, sanger/sangskriver, optagelsestekniker, guitarist og professor i musikteknologi på Mercer Universitet
Alan Parsons, Hughie Thomasson (Lynyrd Skynyrd), Mike Mills (R.E.M.)
"I am proud to use the complete collection of software from MAGIX for my music and video productions including SOUND FORGE, VEGAS, and Samplitude. The quality of Samplitude is truly remarkable. Its power and flexibility is without compare and most importantly—it sounds great! I also want to thank MAGIX for working to make their products accessible to blind music professionals."

Siegfried Meier
Producent, sangskriver, optage- og mixing-tekniker
Kittie, Baptized in Blood, Woods of Ypres
"The object editor and the ability to burn directly from the application are huge for me. Also, the way it handles ISRC codes as well as other CD text are very important to my workflow. The overall vibe of editing is also fantastic, and the application has just always been super snappy and responsive.
As a user for over 20 years now, I've really watched the program grow. Seeing others copy features that were in Samplitude decades ago, makes me giggle. No other DAW lets me work as fast as Samplitude, and the sound of the program is second to none."

Jean-Philippe Rykiel
Keyboarder, komponist, sounddesigner og arrangør
Leonard Cohen, Salif Keita, Youssou N'Dour, Amadou & Mariam
"I've chosen Samplitude because some of my friends were using it, even in the classical music domain, and were raving about its sound quality. Some others, in the more pop domain, were crazy about what Samplitude could do, particularly its concept of objects, which was a new and very interesting way of working with sound. So that made two reasons."

Mike Woloszyn
Lyddesigner, komponist og lydtekniker
BMW, DTM, Nike
"I am a postproduction specialist and sound designer based in Berlin. A balance between speed and quality is essential in my field.
It continues to impress me that Samplitude and Sequoia require so few resources to work on highly complex sound design. I love the way the object editor offers me a complete channel strip for every single audio snippet. Samplitude has completely revolutionized object-based work.
The latest versions of Samplitude and Sequoia have added many new practical features that make my work even faster, clearer and more user-friendly.
A life without Samplitude/Sequoia is possible, but wouldn't make any sense."

Juan "Punchy" Gonzalez
Producent, mixing-, mastering- og live-tekniker, videomager, forsanger og guitarist i Cosmic Punch
Symphony X, Kamelot, Overkill, Living Colour
"If you are going to be doing professional mastering work, Samplitude has been my mainstay and “go to” software for nearly two decades. From the ability to visualize your audio to delivery, it is hands-down the best tool for the job."

Michael Mulholland
Sanger, sangskriver, musiker og filmkomponist
The Fighter, The Dilemma, Veronica Mars | Guitar Hero II (Activision)
"I'm new to Samplitude and in my short time working with it and going through the learning curves I’m finding it to be incredibly amazing. Every option, every need, every plug-in, every VST and VSTi, etc. is there. I’m recording live drums, live amped guitars, mic’d piano, and midi abilities are to the T outstanding and simple to use. There are so many options when preparing for a new production, there are plenty of templates to chose from and starting a new session without templates is as simple as it gets. The Samplitude Pro X is humongous. It’s the giant of DAWs."

Dennis Fuchs / NACHOBENmedia
Producent, komponist, video-maker, fotograf
Prinz Pi, Animus, Rap City Berlin II DVD, 1. FSV Mainz 05, Freizeit-Land Geiselwind
"When I started making music in 2000, MAGIX Music Maker was one of the first places to go. So MAGIX was always a well-sounding term to me.I used to produce beats for rappers or my own, sometimes rock songs.In 2016 I shot a no-budget mountain tour documentary and came to Samplitude Pro X for the soundtrack production.Especially nowadays with my orchestral productions for an amusement park or with my own projects, I am always amazed at how fast and uncomplicated I can design my workflow. Both when composing using internal and external plug-ins, as well as during the later mixing process with Stems.The overview of the DAW in the arrangement, but also with analysis tools etc. is very pleasant."

Engelsksproget version
Samplitude Pro X8 lever op til de højeste kvalitetskrav ved enhver lydproduktion, fra første take til den afsluttende mastering.
Engelsksproget version
Samplitude Pro X8 lever op til de højeste kvalitetskrav ved enhver lydproduktion, fra første take til den afsluttende mastering.

Engelsksproget version
Samplitude Pro X8 lever op til de højeste kvalitetskrav ved enhver lydproduktion, fra første take til den afsluttende mastering.
- Tilbudsprisen gælder de første 12 måneder efter købet. Fra den 13. måned gælder den almindelige udsalgspris igen.
Engelsksproget version
Samplitude Pro X8 lever op til de højeste kvalitetskrav ved enhver lydproduktion, fra første take til den afsluttende mastering.
- Tilbudsprisen gælder den første måned efter købet. Fra den 2. måned gælder den almindelige udsalgspris igen.

Engelsksproget version
Fra første take til sidste mastering: Suiten indeholder foruden alle features fra Samplitude Pro X8 også vores legendære Audio Editor SOUND FORGE Pro 16 og andre forrygende pakker.
Engelsksproget version
Fra første take til sidste mastering: Suiten indeholder foruden alle features fra Samplitude Pro X8 også vores legendære Audio Editor SOUND FORGE Pro 16 og andre forrygende pakker.

Engelsksproget version
Fra første take til sidste mastering: Suiten indeholder foruden alle features fra Samplitude Pro X8 også vores legendære Audio Editor SOUND FORGE Pro 16 og andre forrygende pakker.
- Tilbudsprisen gælder de første 12 måneder efter købet. Fra den 13. måned gælder den almindelige udsalgspris igen.
Engelsksproget version
Fra første take til sidste mastering: Suiten indeholder foruden alle features fra Samplitude Pro X8 også vores legendære Audio Editor SOUND FORGE Pro 16 og andre forrygende pakker.
- Tilbudsprisen gælder den første måned efter købet. Fra den 2. måned gælder den almindelige udsalgspris igen.
Hvad er Samplitude?
Hvad er Samplitude Pro X?
Samplitude Pro X er et DAW til folk, der arbejder professionelt med lyd. Det er storbroderen til Samplitude Music Studio og har professionelle værktøjer og et stort udvalg af funktioner til alle trin i lydproduktion: virtuelle instrumenter, der inspirerer til nye lyde, præcise lydtekniske værktøjer og uundværlige mixing- og masteringeffekter.
Er der en gratis prøveversion
af Samplitude?
Ja, der er mulighed for at få en 30-dages gratis version af Samplitude-produkterne. Bare gå til sektion med gratis download, og kom i gang.
MAGIX Samplitude kompatible?
Hvis du gerne vil forbedre dine færdigheder i MUSIC MAKER og ønsker et DAW med højere ydeevne og flere funktioner, er Samplitude Music Studio lige noget for dig! Det kan tilpasses til MUSIC MAKER, og du kan nemt importere MUSIC MAKER-projektfiler (.mmm) ved at trække og slippe og gemme dem som en Samplitude-fil (.vip)