Codec – Compressing Audio and Video
"Codec" is a technical term and is based off of the words "coder" and "decoder". A codec is generally used to compress files, i.e. to make them smaller than their original file size.
Size of a file plays an important role on the Internet especially when it comes to audio and video files. For instance, to be able to watch or listen to streaming data over the Internet, users require a codec to be able to download and stream the content quickly because a codec compresses the file to a size that can be easily streamed over an Internet connection.
Codecs can be roughly differentiated into loss-free and loss-prone formats. Loss-free compression means that the reduction of the data quantity does not directly affect the content in perceivable manner. Loss-prone compression has a noticeable qualitative effect on the content.This reduction does not necessarily mean a loss in quality. For instance, in the case of a MP3, the changes occur outside of the range of human hearing so it is not noticeable.There are numerous codecs, and only the most conventional will be described below:
- MP3 is a codec developed by the Fraunhofer Institut in Germany for audio compression. MP3 uses a form of acoustics that only saves those signals that belong to the spectrum of sounds human beings are capable of hearing. This enables a level of audio compression, which will only slightly diminishes audio quality and simultaneously requires very little storage space.
- AAC stands for "advanced audio coding“ and is another loss-prone compression process. This codec, also developed by Fraunhofer, is based on an improved compression and loses less audio quality during compression.
- FLAC, "free loss-less audio codec", produces a clearly larger file size than MP3 and reproduces the original sound data after decompression.

Codec and MP3 deluxe
MAGIX MP3 deluxe is one program that excels at managing music and converting audio files to all common audio file formats such as WAV, OGG into MP3s and other various audio file formats. It can quickly convert MP3s into various formats as well as edit the file into high quality audio that is perfect for every situation. With MAGIX MP3 Deluxe, get the support you need for any codec format.