May 15, 2017
The new SOUND FORGE Pro Mac 3

SOUND FORGE Mac 3 has arrived! The wait is over for all Mac users and fans of the comprehensive audio editor SOUND FORGE. This new, complete bundle for audio recording, editing, processing and mastering for the MacOS operating system is the ideal complement for any studio and post-production workflow.
As we kick start the Mac version, we're pleased to announce that we're going to develop the SOUND FORGE Pro series even further! You can read a brief overview of this below.
In this article, we'll give you a general overview of what the new SOUND FORGE Pro 3 has to offer in the way of tools.
Expanded signal and effect processing
We've advanced SOUND FORGE's arsenal with new effects, like Noise Gate, Reverb, Simple Delay, Chorus und Flanger.

Industry standard metering
The various metering indicators are now designed with international standards in mind. This means that you can more quickly check whether your project complies with TV or radio standards (e.g. CALM standard, commercial advertisement, loudness mitigation).
Master files are finished fit for broadcast according to AES/EBU standards. You can also freely select the standardized regulations of your choice - e.g. EBU R 128.

Improved audio repair
Automatic clipping recognition searches for clippings in the audio material. Markers are then set in the places where there's a clipping. This helps you to locate any problem areas quicker so you can fix them.

Dynamic rendering of project files
For non-destructive use of effects in your projects, you can now use the Chainer plug-in, even while burning Redbook-compatible CDs. You can save your project files, information about continuous effect chains and any further changes in just one click, saving you time.

Pre-listen to iTunes master versions
If you want to publish your project on iTunes, Apple will convert this into 44.1 kHz/32-bit AAC format. With the pre-listen feature "Mastered for iTunes", you can adjust and change you material, and immediately pre-listen to how the end result will sound on iTunes.

Synergy with SpectraLayers Pro 4
A particular highlight is the possibility to work seamlessly with the new SpectraLayers Pro 4. Here, you can combine the best from both waveform editing and spectral editing to create amazing synergy effects!

Learn more about SOUND FORGE Pro Mac 3 here!
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