Samplitude Music Studio X8
Samplitude Music Studio X8 Everything you need for your music.
Save 20%
$79.99 Regularly $99.99
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Einmal zahlen, für immer nutzen – das neue Samplitude Music Studio X8 als Vollversion.

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
Upgrade: Samplitude Music Studio X8
Upgrade: Samplitude Music Studio X8 Everything you need for your music.
Save 70%
$29.99 Regularly $99.99

Upgrade to the latest version here. Please have your account registration information or the serial number for your software ready.

Download (shipping free)

Du nutzt Samplitude Music Studio bereits als Vollversion? Dann kannst du hier auf das neue Samplitude Music Studio X8 upgraden.

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • NEU! Verbesserter Export-Workflow
  • NEU! Support für MIDI VST-Plug-ins
  • NEU! Optimierte Benutzerfreundlichkeit
  • NEU! 10 neue Soundpools
  • Virtuelle Instrumente: Synthesizer, Gitarren, Chor, Pianos, Streicher, Blechbläser, Bässe, Drum Machines u.v.m. (32 Vita-Instrumente)
  • Schnellstart-Assistent: Vorlagen für das Spielen und Aufnehmen von Instrumenten
  • MAGIX Audio Remote: Aufnahmen auf dem PC per App starten
  • Klangmaterial: Unzählige Sounds & Loops
  • Mehrspuraufnahmen in 24-Bit/96 kHz Studioqualität
Available until March 30, 2025
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Celemony Melodyne 5 essential
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Celemony Melodyne 5 essential
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Samplitude Music Studio 12 month subscription
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Samplitude Music Studio 12 month subscription
Save 14%
$35.88 / year Regularly $41.88 / year

Subscription and cancellation conditions: Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be available immediately after payment and activation. The charge for the minimum term is payable as a single sum upon conclusion of the contract. The minimum term begins on the date of purchase. The contractual period of Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be automatically extended by 12 months at a time until you cancel the agreement. You will be informed well in advance if the extension rate or taxes included change. A cancellation is possible up to 1 month before the end of the contract period. To cancel the contract, please send an email stating your customer number to:

Download (shipping free)

Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für dich: Nutze zu jeder Zeit automatisch die aktuellste Version!

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
  • The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.
$35.88 / year Regularly $41.88 / year

Subscription and cancellation conditions: Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be available immediately after payment and activation. The charge for the minimum term is payable as a single sum upon conclusion of the contract. The minimum term begins on the date of purchase. The contractual period of Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be automatically extended by 12 months at a time until you cancel the agreement. You will be informed well in advance if the extension rate or taxes included change. A cancellation is possible up to 1 month before the end of the contract period. To cancel the contract, please send an email stating your customer number to:

Download (shipping free)

Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für dich: Nutze zu jeder Zeit automatisch die aktuellste Version!

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
  • The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.

Tutorial videos

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

Introductory video 1

Welcome to Samplitude Music Studio!

This video provides an easy introduction to the world of digital music production and will familiarize you with the start dialog options.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

Introductory video 2

Learn the ropes of Samplitude Pro X and start taking your productions to the next level. In this tutorial, we'll use a demo song to give you an overview of the program interface, object-based and track-based audio editing and the mixer.

We'll show you how to organize your projects, use VSTi instruments and record with Samplitude.

Basic Functions

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


In this video, we'll show you everything you need to know about recording an external source.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


In this video, we'll show you all of the most important options for editing audio objects in Samplitude Music Studio.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


With the mixer, you have control over all your projects. Volume, panorama and effects offer everything you need to get the best out of your instruments, sounds, and vocals.

Mix your songs just like a professional sound engineer.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


After you've finished mixing your tracks, the next step is mastering. In this introductory video we'll show you the Mastering Suite in Samplitude Music Studio.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


You can export your finished songs from Samplitude Music Studio in various formats, for instance as a CD or audio file on your computer.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

Track editor

The track editor gives you access to all the most important track functions: From Audio and AUX settings to plug-ins, mixer settings, comments and equalizer.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

MIDI compositions

You can correct recordings made with the MIDI keyboard or drum pads, or you can make your own patterns with your mouse.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite


Automations allow you to give your recordings more dynamic. Volume, panorama progressions and effects are controlled with the help of track curves.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

Vocal tuning

Put the right mood in your vocals. Or use the harmonizer to create a chorus which is automatically adjusted to fit the selected key.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

Guitar and bass amp

Vandal SE provides you with a top class virtual guitar and bass amp. Vandal SE virtualizes every aspect of a real amp. From the type of tube to the amplification stage on through to the speaker coil, this virtual amplifier is as good as the real deal and has an unbelievably realistic sound.

Music Studio | Pro | Suite

BeatBox 2 Plus

The BeatBox 2 drum machine is the perfect tool for making grooves and beats. In addition to an amazing sound engine and lots of drum kits, BeatBox 2 offers complete control over engaging sound progressions and an integrated effects sections.

Pro | Suite

The ROLI Seaboard and Samplitude Pro X

Now with support for MIDI Polyphonic Expression, version 5 of Samplitude Pro X is the ideal partner for the innovative ROLI Seaboard controller.

We'll show you how to connect the Seaboard and use it in Samplitude.

Samplitude Music Studio X8
Samplitude Music Studio X8 Everything you need for your music.
Save 20%
$79.99 Regularly $99.99
Download (shipping free)

Einmal zahlen, für immer nutzen – das neue Samplitude Music Studio X8 als Vollversion.

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
Upgrade: Samplitude Music Studio X8
Upgrade: Samplitude Music Studio X8 Everything you need for your music.
Save 70%
$29.99 Regularly $99.99

Upgrade to the latest version here. Please have your account registration information or the serial number for your software ready.

Download (shipping free)

Du nutzt Samplitude Music Studio bereits als Vollversion? Dann kannst du hier auf das neue Samplitude Music Studio X8 upgraden.

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • NEU! Verbesserter Export-Workflow
  • NEU! Support für MIDI VST-Plug-ins
  • NEU! Optimierte Benutzerfreundlichkeit
  • NEU! 10 neue Soundpools
  • Virtuelle Instrumente: Synthesizer, Gitarren, Chor, Pianos, Streicher, Blechbläser, Bässe, Drum Machines u.v.m. (32 Vita-Instrumente)
  • Schnellstart-Assistent: Vorlagen für das Spielen und Aufnehmen von Instrumenten
  • MAGIX Audio Remote: Aufnahmen auf dem PC per App starten
  • Klangmaterial: Unzählige Sounds & Loops
  • Mehrspuraufnahmen in 24-Bit/96 kHz Studioqualität
Available until March 30, 2025
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Celemony Melodyne 5 essential
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Celemony Melodyne 5 essential
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Samplitude Music Studio 12 month subscription
Samplitude Music Studio 365 Samplitude Music Studio 12 month subscription
Save 14%
$35.88 / year Regularly $41.88 / year

Subscription and cancellation conditions: Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be available immediately after payment and activation. The charge for the minimum term is payable as a single sum upon conclusion of the contract. The minimum term begins on the date of purchase. The contractual period of Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be automatically extended by 12 months at a time until you cancel the agreement. You will be informed well in advance if the extension rate or taxes included change. A cancellation is possible up to 1 month before the end of the contract period. To cancel the contract, please send an email stating your customer number to:

Download (shipping free)

Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für dich: Nutze zu jeder Zeit automatisch die aktuellste Version!

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
  • The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.
$35.88 / year Regularly $41.88 / year

Subscription and cancellation conditions: Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be available immediately after payment and activation. The charge for the minimum term is payable as a single sum upon conclusion of the contract. The minimum term begins on the date of purchase. The contractual period of Samplitude Music Studio 365 will be automatically extended by 12 months at a time until you cancel the agreement. You will be informed well in advance if the extension rate or taxes included change. A cancellation is possible up to 1 month before the end of the contract period. To cancel the contract, please send an email stating your customer number to:

Download (shipping free)

Das Rundum-sorglos-Paket für dich: Nutze zu jeder Zeit automatisch die aktuellste Version!

In Samplitude Music Studio X8 enthalten:

  • 32 VITA Instrumente
  • essentialFX Suite
  • Vandal SE
  • Pop - Guitars Only Complete Bundle
  • Score - Movie Score Collection Complete Bundle
  • Trap - Trap Melodies by DJ Puzzle
  • Chart Hits - Pretty in Pop
  • EDM - This is EDM
  • modernEQ
Available until March 30, 2025
  • The offer price is valid for the first 12 months after purchase. From the 13th month, the regular retail price (RRP) applies again.


What is Samplitude?

Samplitude is an audio software for professional music production that offers professional tools for any audio project. The Samplitude family includes Samplitude Music Studio and Samplitude Pro X.

What is Samplitude Music Studio?

Samplitude Music Studio contains all the functions and workflows you need for your music in a single DAW! It's like a Swiss army knife for music production.

What is Samplitude Pro X?

Samplitude Pro X is a DAW for audio professionals. The big brother of Samplitude Music Studio, it offers professional tools and a wide range of functions for all stages of audio production. Virtual instruments that inspire new sounds, precise audio engineering tools and indispensable mixing and mastering effects are also included.

MAGIX Samplitude compatible?

If you want to take your MUSIC MAKER skills to the next level and are looking for a DAW with higher performance and more functions, Samplitude Music Studio is the right choice! It's fully compatible with MUSIC MAKER and you can easily drag & drop to import MUSIC MAKER project files (.mmm) and save them as a Samplitude file (.vip).